With Father's Day right around the corner I've come up with this list of modern picture books about dads. Some "I love daddy" books can be REALLY cheesy, but these books are sweet, a little silly and have great illustrations.
Give dad the gift of making memories reading to his children...I mean, does he really need ANOTHER neck tie? Dad will love ending all of the Father's Day fun by reading one of these books to his little ones before tucking them into bed!
This post contains affiliated links for your convenience. I received 'My Dad, My Hero' free for review purposes. I only write about products I love and all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. For more information see Legal.
1. My Dad Used to Be so Cool
My Dad Used to Be So Cool by Keith Negley is another book by the author/illustrator of one of my favorite books Tough Guys Have Feelings Too. We all think about the time before kids when we were so much cooler. My Dad Used to Be so Cool talks about how the 'for sale' motorcycle and a drum set stored in a closet makes him think his dad must have been in a really cool rock band and he doesn't understand what would have made him give all of that up. Then it shows the dad and son playing together and the kid decides maybe his dad still is a little bit cool...or not.
Tough Guys Have Feelings Too would also make a great book for Father's Day and ends with a page that shows a dad and his son who cry because they love each other so much.

2. My Dad is Big and Strong, But...
My Dad is Big and Strong, But...A Bedtime Story is written by Coralie Saudo and illustrated by Kris Di Giacomo. This book is a silly twist on a normal bedtime routine where the dad doesn't want to go to bed and the son has to try to get him to sleep. Maybe it will teach your little one how frustrating it can be putting someone to bed while they are demanding just one more cup of water, just one more episode of Paw Patrol, one more bed time story....but probably not.

3. My Dad, My Hero!
My Dad, My Hero! by Ethan Long is a board book (also available in hardcover) that my little one was instantly attracted to because he loves super heroes. The book actually talks about all the reasons the kid's dad ISN'T a super hero (ie. he can't see through walls or fly) but he is still his hero.

4. My Dad is Amazing!
How cute are Eunice Moyle's illustrations? My Dad is Amazing! by Sabrina Moyle is Hello!Lucky brand board book that pays a cute little tribute to all the amazing things dads are. I love that the dad is a silly colorful yeti instead of showing dad as a stereotypical "business guy." It is fun, simple and sweet and don't worry...there is a My Mom is Magical! book too!

We've been on a huge Star Wars kick lately so Vader's Little Princess by Jeffrey Brown seemed like a very appropriate Father's Day Gift. I also bought Darth Vader and Son but I wanted to highlight Vader's Little Princess because surprisingly their aren't a lot of father/daughter books out there. I also really like that it gives another meaning to "daddy's little princess" because Leia is a bad a$$ princess. This books is funny and an easy read, perfect for Star Wars lovers.
6. Your Baby's First Word Will be Dada
There isn't a ton of text in Your Baby's First Word Will be Dada by SNL's Jimmy Fallon, but it was always a hit with my little ones. Not like they needed any help saying Dada before Mama. My daughter is almost one and babbles 'Dada' all day long but only says 'Mama' for when she's screaming and crying. This one is simple board book for babies with cute illustrations that might give dad a little chuckle when he gets it.
7. My Dad Thinks He's Funny
This book cracked me up a little because it reminded my so much of my own dad. My Dad Think's He's Funny by Katrina Germein and illustrated by Tom Jellett goes on about all of the dad jokes the little boy's dad tells and how the dad thinks he is so funny but the kid just rolls his eyes. I think just about everyone knows a dad that says at least one of these dad jokes on a regular basis!
Just ordered #4. Thanks! 🙂
I hope you like it 🙂